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Предложения по картам [CS:GO ZE]


Администратор CS:GO ZE L2
10 Июн 2016
а че, тип уже можно играть на ней? неужели он уже просмотрел и утвердил все миникарты, которые накидало ему сообщество?
я понял, там же плагин его надо установить, чтобы постоянно новые лвла были


Администратор CS:GO ZE L2
10 Июн 2016
Название карты: ze_mgden_y3_fix
Размер карты: 39 МБ (zip)
Ссылка на скачивание: https://gamebanana.com/mods/348371
Короткое описание: обнова(фикс версия)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5 Янв 2021
Название карты: ze_collective_v1_2
Размер карты: 72 МБ (zip)
Ссылка на скачивание: https://gamebanana.com/mods/395733 + http://luffaren.com/csgo_plugins/luffarenmaps_v1_7.zip
Короткое описание: обнова
-Performance-improvement: Removed a lot of lights which caused FPS-drops, the lighting is a bit more neutral as a result.
-Performance-improvement: Re-routed "Snow" precipitation with "Ash" as it caused FPS-drops.
-Performance-improvement: Added optional (enabled by default) cheap playermodels.
-Tweaked black-hole suck multiplier (from 0.70 to 0.90).
-Fixed round-start giving players 99hp from IgniteLifeTime-reset.
-Tweaked teleport-positioning in relation to the stage-buffer-bridges, the TP now starts at the far edge.
-All current-stage GENERICHOLD/BUTTON/ENDBUTTON triggers now reset the map-delay-timer.
-Delayed spawn-killer timer by 7s for the HUNT ending.
-Pre-round-end now kills all held item edicts for a cleaner round-reset.
-Added safety-handlers for potential 'SQQuerySuspend' exceptions on certain servers.
-Added clearer server-console-printouts for the stage-pick filtering.
-Added a safety-limit for the amount of explosion-effects claymores could run (due to stacking).
-Tweaked some values for the zombie 'flight' item to prevent infection-related issues.
-Tweaked the zombie 'impostor' item, forcing a specific model with hitboxes, for safety reasons.
-Fixed potential issue with item-knife-strip (where items could get 'locked' if the strip-triggers overlapped).
-Fixed potential issue with the piggyback item cleanup when the carrier gets zombiefied.
-Added a cooldown for BOOSTPAD tiles to prevent players getting stuck/bugging in them forever.
-Added speedmod-slowdown for claymores.
-Tweaked earth crystal - it now auto-breaks when humans touch it from the sides as well.
-Buffed earth crystal - it lasts 12s instead of 8s now.
-Buffed fire crystal - it deals more damage now (from 2999 to 4999).
-Buffed fire crystal - added speedmod-slowdown.
-Buffed wind crystal - made the push more forceful/longer-lasting.
-Buffed water crystal - made the slowdown last longer (from 5s to 10s).
-Buffed captain planet damage from 2600 to 4600.
-Buffed captain planet - made him target the boss if existing/active.
-Buffed storm_blade item - it now slows nearby zombies on the post-slash-hit.
-Added human 'peanut butter' item, looks/works somewhat similarly to ze_toaster.
-Fixed the castle-theme FLOORCEILING slope tile being a half-slope.
-Tweaked the finale-tower elevator height, it is now much lower down (less climbing).
-Tweaked the finale-tower elevator leave-time (from 70s to 60s).
-Tweaked the finale-tower elevator falling-debris, there are more pieces falling now (from 8 to 18).
-Tweaked the finale-tower door move speed (from 50 to 70).
-Tweaked the finale-tower door time to hold zombies out (from 15s to 20s).
-Added an anti-boost safeguard for the finale-tower, zombies with above 300-upwards-vel now gets stopped before/during the climb part.
-Added a set of forced/guaranteed human items to the finale-elevator.
-Added a set of forced/guaranteed zombie items to the finale-boss-z-platform.
-Tweaked the following items so they can damage/stun the boss: storm_blade, earthcrystal, firecrystal, windcrystal, watercrystal.
-Buffed boss health (from 15k each-ct to 20k each-ct + from 30 each-stage to 50 each-stage).
-Tweaked boss to remove 5000hp from itself for each CT that dies during the bossfight.
-Tweaked nade damage for boss (from 2000 to 2500).
-Increased nade crit chance for boss (from 20% to 30%).
-Improved the hitbox system for the boss in a minor way, it no longer requires an extra bullet-hit to update its damage-state.
-Tweaked the finale-end-run, each stage-spawn is now delayed by 6s to prevent bhoppers from ruining the round.
-Tweaked the finale-end-run, the buffer bridges are only 2 tiles wide during the end-run.
-Tweaked the finale-end-run, the zombie teleport is now in the 3rd (very back) stage instead of the 2nd stage.
Последнее редактирование:


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5 Янв 2021
Название карты: ze_collective_v1_4
Размер карты: 72 МБ (zip)
Ссылка на скачивание: https://gamebanana.com/mods/395733 + http://luffaren.com/csgo_plugins/luffarenmaps_v1_7.zip
Короткое описание: обнова
-Overhauled a ton of the spawning-logic to support retrying for servers with 'SQQuerySuspend' issues.
-Fixed major issue where the BRIDGE ending would disappear completely along with the previous stage (on stage 4).
-Fixed a mishap in the edict-estimation logic, it should now be more accurate and allow more stages to be spawned.
-Fixed issue where the item-knife-stripping could run on 2 different players at the same time (leaving one player without an item+knife).
-Tweaked a handful of vars to make things smoother performance-wise.
-Tweaked all HOLDs/GENERICHOLDs to automatically open when the next stage starts generating.
-Tweaked the between-stage "buffer bridge" to use a variety of different tiles within some bias (PLATFORM/FLOOR/FLOORCEILINGTALL).
-Moved Y-position of the invincibility-text to prevent overlapping with the item-info-text.
-Improved the loudness of the kamikaze event, players should be able to know that it's coming now.
-Tweaked the kamikaze event to ignore players not moving on the X/Y axis alone (Z-axis could mean afk's falling).
-Tweaked the kamikaze event to ignore players who are already going kamikaze.
-Delayed the forced explosion for the kamikaze event (from 7.50s to 8.50s).
-Fixed the kamikaze event potentially spawning outside the map bounds.
-Fixed the 'WORLD EATER' event possibly spawning outside of the map-bounds.
-Improved the hackerman item to always target the closest zombie.
-Increased the hackerman scan range (from 700 to 800 units).
-Optimized the hackerman item to disallow spawning indicator-orbs if they already exist (by another hackerman).
-Scaled up the peanutbutter by ~1.5x, it should be more viable to use now.
-Tweaked peanutbutter to be unusable before mother zombies spawn in (to prevent griefing on certain servers).
-Improved TRAPFLOOR tiles to indicate as the neighboring tile color in the GENERIC-theme.
-Fixed the WEAPON_JAM leaving players with too little reserve ammo.
-Tweaked the stone item to hopefully be more smooth to use (sometimes it seemed that it got shot away by humans).
-Added 1x zombie 'flight' item into the pool of finale-items.
-Buffed zombie 'roar' item to give a stronger boost (side-vel from 400 to 500, up-vel from 251 to 280).
-Fixed a general item-cooldown event to not run properly sometimes.
-Increased the safety/forgiveness distance for players touching a stage mid-spawn (from 600 to 800 units).
-Fixed some nasty cleanup issues with the fling trap.
-Buffed the fling trap+item (radius from 600 to 700, force from 1200 to 1400).
-Buffed/expanded the planet crystal items trigger-sizes a small bit.
-Added 1 more guaranteed zombie item in the spawn to keep things spicy and fun for zombies (from 2 to 3 in total now).
-Added a safeguard against the DestructoHammer item on the BUNKER ending (zombies were able to break off the teleporter-tiles).
-Reverted a visual fix-attempt on all HOLD tiles, they should hopefully not seem as 'frozen' for some now.
-Added several safety-guards for the piggyback item to prevent it from breaking in certain circumstances (round start/etc).
-Lowered the refraction-amount of the 'DISTORT' event overlay, it should now be easier to see.
-Added a new song to the infinite mode soundtrack-pool.
-Fixed the 'COLLAPSE' event TP not taking the buffer-bridge into account.
-Lowered the amount of beams spawning for the 'BEAMGRID' event (from 25 to 15).
-Ran a delay for the 'WALLBREAK' event to allow the next stage spawning in properly first (7s delay).
-Fixed some logic related to the falling debris ticking, allowing it to stack safely.
-Expanded a bit on the zombie 'flight' item-information being displayed, certain people had issues figuring out how to fly with it.
-Added a handful of zombie-items at the start/TP during the 'ASCEND' ending (2 flight + 8 moonboost) to make it harder for humans to cheese a win.
-Tweaked the 'ASCEND' ending to remove human moonboost items (if existing).
-Added an safety-slay for all 'flight' item users for the endings/slays, to prevent endlessly delaying.
-Optimized the 'flight' item to run via EventListener for the human-infecting/teleporting.
-Increased the zombie health-cap during the 'HUNT' ending (from 300 to 500).
-Tweaked/nerfed all hazliquid damages very very slightly.
-Overhauled the way that all liquid tiles are spawned, it should now be cheaper and much less performant-heavy on the servers (+ less cost as well).
-Added an effect-limit for 'BIGNADE' event explosions to prevent overloading edicts/etc.
-Tweaked the 'desire' to spawn items into stages to be more aggressive, it should want to spawn more items now.
-Tweaked the 'desire' to spawn items into stages to be more fair between humans/zombies (they now get the same 'desire' expanded upon).
-Added a 'desire' overflow for item-spawns, if there's 5 or more desired items, it will now force-spawn 1 item at the start of each stage (unless an item-tile exists in said stage).
-Added a max-active-items variable (set to 30 for now) which will deny spawning more items if ever reached.
-BOSS: Fixed tail pieces on their way to "connect" with the boss freezing mid-air if the boss dies (they now fall/disappear).
-BOSS: Added damage multiplier which gets stacked based on the total amount of stages in the map-pool (it will get stronger as you 'feed' the collective).
-BOSS: Lowered the initial/base boss damage slightly to compensate for this^ multiplier stack.
-BOSS: Lowered the initial/base boss health to compensate for this^ multiplier stack (base HP from 5000 to 3000, each-ct from 20000 to 17000, each-stage from 50 to 30).
-BOSS: Added hit-cooldown for touching the eye itself as it's no longer a guaranteed instakill.
-BOSS: Made the claymore items able to explode/hurt the boss if it's near them.
-FINALE: Increased the endrun stage cost-cap (from 100 to 150), allowing a larger variety of stages to get picked.
-FINALE: Made the bottom tower door never close a 2nd time after re-opening for zombies (preventing mass-crush-killing them).
-INFINITE-FINALE: Added 'infinite finale' which unlocks after 10+ stages in infinite mode with a vote to "check out". It has buffed values and is harder overall. Only the best of teams with the highest stage/check-out count may win it all!
-INFINITE-FINALE: Added a constant kamikaze-tick during the infinite finale endrun (running kamikaze events every now and then).
-INFINITE-FINALE: buffed the elevator-debris damage (to 102).
-INFINITE-FINALE: Tweaked the console texts to indicate if you're on the [INFINITE FINALE] or just [FINALE].
-INFINITE-FINALE: Most events are now allowed and evaluated every now and then (random timer), this will definitely spice things up during the finale (this is not for the usual finale).
-INFINITE-FINALE: The 'BIGNADE' event now allows the boss to be damaged by it (for extra damage+stunchance).


8 Апр 2015
Москва, ул. Пушкина, дом "Калатушкино".
Название карты: ze_aot_trost_v8
Размер карты: 63.8 МБ (bz2)
Ссылка на скачивание: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/t28rVgTboeah-w
Короткое описание: обнова!!! [ze_aot_trost_v7_2fix -->> ze_aot_trost_v8]


17 Мар 2022
Название карты: ze_collective_v1_4
Размер карты: 72 МБ (zip)
Ссылка на скачивание: https://gamebanana.com/mods/395733 + http://luffaren.com/csgo_plugins/luffarenmaps_v1_7.zip
Короткое описание: обнова
-Overhauled a ton of the spawning-logic to support retrying for servers with 'SQQuerySuspend' issues.
-Fixed major issue where the BRIDGE ending would disappear completely along with the previous stage (on stage 4).
-Fixed a mishap in the edict-estimation logic, it should now be more accurate and allow more stages to be spawned.
-Fixed issue where the item-knife-stripping could run on 2 different players at the same time (leaving one player without an item+knife).
-Tweaked a handful of vars to make things smoother performance-wise.
-Tweaked all HOLDs/GENERICHOLDs to automatically open when the next stage starts generating.
-Tweaked the between-stage "buffer bridge" to use a variety of different tiles within some bias (PLATFORM/FLOOR/FLOORCEILINGTALL).
-Moved Y-position of the invincibility-text to prevent overlapping with the item-info-text.
-Improved the loudness of the kamikaze event, players should be able to know that it's coming now.
-Tweaked the kamikaze event to ignore players not moving on the X/Y axis alone (Z-axis could mean afk's falling).
-Tweaked the kamikaze event to ignore players who are already going kamikaze.
-Delayed the forced explosion for the kamikaze event (from 7.50s to 8.50s).
-Fixed the kamikaze event potentially spawning outside the map bounds.
-Fixed the 'WORLD EATER' event possibly spawning outside of the map-bounds.
-Improved the hackerman item to always target the closest zombie.
-Increased the hackerman scan range (from 700 to 800 units).
-Optimized the hackerman item to disallow spawning indicator-orbs if they already exist (by another hackerman).
-Scaled up the peanutbutter by ~1.5x, it should be more viable to use now.
-Tweaked peanutbutter to be unusable before mother zombies spawn in (to prevent griefing on certain servers).
-Improved TRAPFLOOR tiles to indicate as the neighboring tile color in the GENERIC-theme.
-Fixed the WEAPON_JAM leaving players with too little reserve ammo.
-Tweaked the stone item to hopefully be more smooth to use (sometimes it seemed that it got shot away by humans).
-Added 1x zombie 'flight' item into the pool of finale-items.
-Buffed zombie 'roar' item to give a stronger boost (side-vel from 400 to 500, up-vel from 251 to 280).
-Fixed a general item-cooldown event to not run properly sometimes.
-Increased the safety/forgiveness distance for players touching a stage mid-spawn (from 600 to 800 units).
-Fixed some nasty cleanup issues with the fling trap.
-Buffed the fling trap+item (radius from 600 to 700, force from 1200 to 1400).
-Buffed/expanded the planet crystal items trigger-sizes a small bit.
-Added 1 more guaranteed zombie item in the spawn to keep things spicy and fun for zombies (from 2 to 3 in total now).
-Added a safeguard against the DestructoHammer item on the BUNKER ending (zombies were able to break off the teleporter-tiles).
-Reverted a visual fix-attempt on all HOLD tiles, they should hopefully not seem as 'frozen' for some now.
-Added several safety-guards for the piggyback item to prevent it from breaking in certain circumstances (round start/etc).
-Lowered the refraction-amount of the 'DISTORT' event overlay, it should now be easier to see.
-Added a new song to the infinite mode soundtrack-pool.
-Fixed the 'COLLAPSE' event TP not taking the buffer-bridge into account.
-Lowered the amount of beams spawning for the 'BEAMGRID' event (from 25 to 15).
-Ran a delay for the 'WALLBREAK' event to allow the next stage spawning in properly first (7s delay).
-Fixed some logic related to the falling debris ticking, allowing it to stack safely.
-Expanded a bit on the zombie 'flight' item-information being displayed, certain people had issues figuring out how to fly with it.
-Added a handful of zombie-items at the start/TP during the 'ASCEND' ending (2 flight + 8 moonboost) to make it harder for humans to cheese a win.
-Tweaked the 'ASCEND' ending to remove human moonboost items (if existing).
-Added an safety-slay for all 'flight' item users for the endings/slays, to prevent endlessly delaying.
-Optimized the 'flight' item to run via EventListener for the human-infecting/teleporting.
-Increased the zombie health-cap during the 'HUNT' ending (from 300 to 500).
-Tweaked/nerfed all hazliquid damages very very slightly.
-Overhauled the way that all liquid tiles are spawned, it should now be cheaper and much less performant-heavy on the servers (+ less cost as well).
-Added an effect-limit for 'BIGNADE' event explosions to prevent overloading edicts/etc.
-Tweaked the 'desire' to spawn items into stages to be more aggressive, it should want to spawn more items now.
-Tweaked the 'desire' to spawn items into stages to be more fair between humans/zombies (they now get the same 'desire' expanded upon).
-Added a 'desire' overflow for item-spawns, if there's 5 or more desired items, it will now force-spawn 1 item at the start of each stage (unless an item-tile exists in said stage).
-Added a max-active-items variable (set to 30 for now) which will deny spawning more items if ever reached.
-BOSS: Fixed tail pieces on their way to "connect" with the boss freezing mid-air if the boss dies (they now fall/disappear).
-BOSS: Added damage multiplier which gets stacked based on the total amount of stages in the map-pool (it will get stronger as you 'feed' the collective).
-BOSS: Lowered the initial/base boss damage slightly to compensate for this^ multiplier stack.
-BOSS: Lowered the initial/base boss health to compensate for this^ multiplier stack (base HP from 5000 to 3000, each-ct from 20000 to 17000, each-stage from 50 to 30).
-BOSS: Added hit-cooldown for touching the eye itself as it's no longer a guaranteed instakill.
-BOSS: Made the claymore items able to explode/hurt the boss if it's near them.
-FINALE: Increased the endrun stage cost-cap (from 100 to 150), allowing a larger variety of stages to get picked.
-FINALE: Made the bottom tower door never close a 2nd time after re-opening for zombies (preventing mass-crush-killing them).
-INFINITE-FINALE: Added 'infinite finale' which unlocks after 10+ stages in infinite mode with a vote to "check out". It has buffed values and is harder overall. Only the best of teams with the highest stage/check-out count may win it all!
-INFINITE-FINALE: Added a constant kamikaze-tick during the infinite finale endrun (running kamikaze events every now and then).
-INFINITE-FINALE: buffed the elevator-debris damage (to 102).
-INFINITE-FINALE: Tweaked the console texts to indicate if you're on the [INFINITE FINALE] or just [FINALE].
-INFINITE-FINALE: Most events are now allowed and evaluated every now and then (random timer), this will definitely spice things up during the finale (this is not for the usual finale).
-INFINITE-FINALE: The 'BIGNADE' event now allows the boss to be damaged by it (for extra damage+stunchance).
76 MB (zip)
Fixed sprite-related crash issue for Windows-servers.
-Added new ending: CLIMB (note that 1 ending will now be randomly left out each map session, since there are 4 stages and 5 endings).
-Added measure against glitch-win on the HUNT ending (by letting the time run out).
-Tweaked the BUNKER ending door-opening ratios, it will now be a bit friendlier when there's more CT's (less fully open doors).
-Tweaked the ASCEND ending z-item-spawns, it now spawns 3 flights instead of 2, and 7 moonboosts instead of 8.
-Added default-enabled option for liquids to not be parented in hopes of solving the swimming feeling stuttery.
-Tweaked the liquid sizes slightly in hopes of solving the swimming feeling stuttery.
-Added a velocity-cap to liquid stream tiles.
-Fixed issue with the earthcrystal-item despawning inaccurately via the nearby-TP-break.
-Prevented destructohammer-item from spawning/existing during the finale.
-Tweaked the destructohammer-item to be limited use only (3x, and with cd from 20s to 7s).
-Tweaked the stone-item to be limited use only (10x, and with cd from 8s to 5s).
-Tweaked the bombchuck-item to be limited use only (3x, and with higher damage-magnitude).
-Tweaked the roar-item to be one-time-use only.
-Tweaked the roar-item to not boost the user himself, it only boosts nearby zombies around the user now.
-Tweaked the hackerman-item to be one-time-use only.
-Tweaked the flight-item to cap the velocity of flying zombies.
-Increased the greasyfingers-item range (from 400 to 500 units).
-Added a "fear-freeze" to the poise-item, humans within its radius will get slowed down heavily for a brief moment on-use.
-Tweaked the fling trap+item distance (reverted it back from 700 to 600, the strength remains the same though).
-Reworked the core item-logic to automate hammerID-generation better, fixing an issue with the hammerID-value overflowing (breaking entwatch).
-Updated entwatch with all the item-tweaks + hammerID fixes.
-Tweaked the buffer-bridge between stages to be extra long between the spawn and the very first stage (more breathing room for humans).
-Tweaked some tile-spawning logic in hopes of preventing players getting stuck inside the stage on-generation.
-Added a 'COST' value for each tile-type in the pixel-editor.
-Added a max-cost limit for the map submission form (currently 900).
-Fixed a handful of tile-types not having accurate costs.
-Re-enabled HTML-image printouts for the stage previews, it's better optimized now.
-Fixed issue with item info-texts overlapping (by setting up a queue-system for printing it).
-Tweaked the falling debris, it no longer affects zombies, only humans.
-Increased kamikaze-hp a decent bit ('hp_base' from 100 to 200)('hp_each_ct' from 5 to 20).
-Polished some endings slightly (some more server/chat printouts).
-Lowered the delay-time-limit by half (since each button/generichold resets it).
-Added a custom event signaling system to allow easier external hotfixes via the LuffarenMaps plugin.
-Added variables to make the stage spawning/despawning fade cheaper :):SPAWNFADE_FX + ::DESPAWNFADE_FX).
-Tweaked the rate of a render-fixing-tick to be much faster, hopefully elevators should never be seen as frozen for people with this.
-Fixed issue where the infinite finale vote "pass" logic was able to run multiple times in a row, causing loud/stacked sounds.
-Tweaked the vauff-world-eater to not eat anything during the finale.
-Optimized the vauff-world-eater (tickrate, eat-rate, etc).
-Improved the round-end printout to indicate the infinite finale better.
-Fixed the round-end boss statistics when there's multiple bosses present, it now handles the stacked information properly.
-Buffed infinite finale HP a bit (from the normal 17000 for each CT to 20000).
-Tweaked the auto-hold-opening logic to also include breaking all breakables of the current stage when a new stages spawns in.
-Tweaked the auto-hold-opening logic to delay it a bit (by 4s right now).
-Fixed BEAMGRID event not working properly during the finale.
-Tweaked the default TP-destination location to be in the center of the spawn area.
-Improved the finale-winning printout to show information better.
  • Like
Реакции: kurum1


Администратор CS:GO ZE L2
10 Июн 2016
76 MB (zip)
Fixed sprite-related crash issue for Windows-servers.
-Added new ending: CLIMB (note that 1 ending will now be randomly left out each map session, since there are 4 stages and 5 endings).
-Added measure against glitch-win on the HUNT ending (by letting the time run out).
-Tweaked the BUNKER ending door-opening ratios, it will now be a bit friendlier when there's more CT's (less fully open doors).
-Tweaked the ASCEND ending z-item-spawns, it now spawns 3 flights instead of 2, and 7 moonboosts instead of 8.
-Added default-enabled option for liquids to not be parented in hopes of solving the swimming feeling stuttery.
-Tweaked the liquid sizes slightly in hopes of solving the swimming feeling stuttery.
-Added a velocity-cap to liquid stream tiles.
-Fixed issue with the earthcrystal-item despawning inaccurately via the nearby-TP-break.
-Prevented destructohammer-item from spawning/existing during the finale.
-Tweaked the destructohammer-item to be limited use only (3x, and with cd from 20s to 7s).
-Tweaked the stone-item to be limited use only (10x, and with cd from 8s to 5s).
-Tweaked the bombchuck-item to be limited use only (3x, and with higher damage-magnitude).
-Tweaked the roar-item to be one-time-use only.
-Tweaked the roar-item to not boost the user himself, it only boosts nearby zombies around the user now.
-Tweaked the hackerman-item to be one-time-use only.
-Tweaked the flight-item to cap the velocity of flying zombies.
-Increased the greasyfingers-item range (from 400 to 500 units).
-Added a "fear-freeze" to the poise-item, humans within its radius will get slowed down heavily for a brief moment on-use.
-Tweaked the fling trap+item distance (reverted it back from 700 to 600, the strength remains the same though).
-Reworked the core item-logic to automate hammerID-generation better, fixing an issue with the hammerID-value overflowing (breaking entwatch).
-Updated entwatch with all the item-tweaks + hammerID fixes.
-Tweaked the buffer-bridge between stages to be extra long between the spawn and the very first stage (more breathing room for humans).
-Tweaked some tile-spawning logic in hopes of preventing players getting stuck inside the stage on-generation.
-Added a 'COST' value for each tile-type in the pixel-editor.
-Added a max-cost limit for the map submission form (currently 900).
-Fixed a handful of tile-types not having accurate costs.
-Re-enabled HTML-image printouts for the stage previews, it's better optimized now.
-Fixed issue with item info-texts overlapping (by setting up a queue-system for printing it).
-Tweaked the falling debris, it no longer affects zombies, only humans.
-Increased kamikaze-hp a decent bit ('hp_base' from 100 to 200)('hp_each_ct' from 5 to 20).
-Polished some endings slightly (some more server/chat printouts).
-Lowered the delay-time-limit by half (since each button/generichold resets it).
-Added a custom event signaling system to allow easier external hotfixes via the LuffarenMaps plugin.
-Added variables to make the stage spawning/despawning fade cheaper :):SPAWNFADE_FX + ::DESPAWNFADE_FX).
-Tweaked the rate of a render-fixing-tick to be much faster, hopefully elevators should never be seen as frozen for people with this.
-Fixed issue where the infinite finale vote "pass" logic was able to run multiple times in a row, causing loud/stacked sounds.
-Tweaked the vauff-world-eater to not eat anything during the finale.
-Optimized the vauff-world-eater (tickrate, eat-rate, etc).
-Improved the round-end printout to indicate the infinite finale better.
-Fixed the round-end boss statistics when there's multiple bosses present, it now handles the stacked information properly.
-Buffed infinite finale HP a bit (from the normal 17000 for each CT to 20000).
-Tweaked the auto-hold-opening logic to also include breaking all breakables of the current stage when a new stages spawns in.
-Tweaked the auto-hold-opening logic to delay it a bit (by 4s right now).
-Fixed BEAMGRID event not working properly during the finale.
-Tweaked the default TP-destination location to be in the center of the spawn area.
-Improved the finale-winning printout to show information better.
по той же ссылке доступна новая версия 1_6
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Реакции: kurum1


17 Мар 2022
Название карты: ze_dystopia_a4
Размер карты: 55 MB (zip)
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Короткое описание: обновление


8 Апр 2015
Москва, ул. Пушкина, дом "Калатушкино".
Название карты: ze_Obj_insane_v1
Размер карты: 322 МБ
Ссылка на скачивание: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/isGUsDsGT8JPDA
Короткое описание: новая карта!!!
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