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Ивент по карте ze_holmes_escape_pf_2014c

В субботу, 17 сентября, в 17:00 по Москве (19:00 по Екатеринбургу и 24:00 по Владивостоку) на нашем Zombie сервере состоится ивент на карте ze_holmes_escape_pf_2014c.

Правила ивента:
  • Все правила сервера действуют во время ивента.
  • Ни какого троллинга - бан по материям или на сервере.
  • Ивент могут запустить следующие люди: @Хитрый Ёжик, @Бублик, @Tabaluga, @smailik, @ResoLute или @Maybe.
Максимальная продолжительность ивента составляет 3 часа. В случае если после прохождения карты останется более чем 1 час, то будет произведён рестарт карты и будем проходить карту заново или карта сменится на следующую в списке карт для ивентов.

Хитрый Ёжик

В отставке
10 Июл 2013
Moscow, Russia
Над призами ещё будем думать. Мне перестало нравится раздавать VIP статусы за победы в ивентах, т.к. это как-то скучновато и, возможно, немного банально.

Уже думали над этим с кураторами, но действительно крутых идей пока не было :(

P.S. - 5 человек имеют доступ для того, чтобы кто-то один точно был онлайн во время ивента. Возможно в ближайшее время ещё немного расширим список.
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Реакции: JIRAIYA и Kiska


18 Дек 2014
Parts Unknown
У карты вообще есть сюжет? Что это за рыба, тренога и летающий глаз? И где прохождение описано?


3 Дек 2015
München, Germany
У карты вообще есть сюжет? Что это за рыба, тренога и летающий глаз? И где прохождение описано?
Сюжета там вроде не больше чем на обычных картах, а по тематике карта напоминает мир Half-Life 2. Описания прохождения может и не быть, т.к. эту карту ещё ни разу не проходили на этом сервере. Да и зачем всё знать зарание? Это как посмотреть фильм в интернете перед походом в кинотеатр :)
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Реакции: Kiska


18 Дек 2014
Parts Unknown
Сюжета там вроде не больше чем на обычных картах, а по тематике карта напоминает мир Half-Life 2. Описания прохождения может и не быть, т.к. эту карту ещё ни разу не проходили на этом сервере. Да и зачем всё знать зарание? Это как посмотреть фильм в интернете перед походом в кинотеатр :)

А какая логика смены уровней? Или там разные пути? Во всяком случае раньше было --- не проходим уровень, даже конца нет, но в следующим раунде бежим вообще не пойми где. Сколько уровней всего? Пять?

Как мы узнаем, что прошли карту?
Собственно, на геймбанане есть довольно подробное описание, желательно почитать перед ивентом.


Holmes Escape is a jab at an open world zombie escape. Its not easy, its pretty difficult. It doesn't hold your hand either. To reach the final level, you must complete the 3 main levels. You can complete the levels in any order you want. The map adjusts itself according to how well you are doing, becoming easier if you keep dying, or becoming harder if you keep winning.


PROLOGUE - The first level. You essentially have to defend the entrance at the start for 45 seconds before falling back while 1 person triggers the defense. This is probably the hardest defend point in this level due to how long you have to defend, the rest of this level is a cakewalk in comparison. Kill the zombie chopper and succeed the final defense.

CAVE - This is most often the first level done. Use the golden shotgun wisely, there are 3 ways to manuever the cave, either by pushing the minecart, defending the guy, or going right and defending the boxes while someone climbs and hits the button. Kill the boss (Strider) and complete the stage.

TOMB - This is most often the second level done unless a guy is competent with the hover boots. There are 2 ways to manuever the tomb but most people go the right path. The left path is harder and only done if you are trying to do the optional objective and make the boss a bit easier. Kill the boss (Fish) and complete the stage.

STATION - This is most often the third level done unless a guy is competent with the hover boots. There are 2 ways to manuever the Station but most people go right or left at the intersection and go the Garage route. The mansion route is longer and harder and the garage people get to the end first. The Mansion route is only to do the optional objective.

CITY - The final level. Combines the 3 normal stages, does a boss rush, a special zombie boss, and a final escape. Unlocks EXPERT MODE.

SECRET - The secret level. Unlocked by doing either of the 2 objectives: 1.) Complete station/city/tomb on black world (hard mode) 2.) Unlock all 3 secret weapons and beat the final stage (City).

DIFFICULTIES: .) White World - Easy mode activates after losing a stage 3 times in a row. .) Black World - Activates by completing the first level or completing an optional objective in a stage. Deactivates when humans lose 1 single round *.) Expert Mode - Complete the final stage (City) to unlock.

BOSSES: Zombie Chopper - Prologue Boss. Zombies ride the chopper to reach humans and can jump the sign/billboard (except in easy mode). Fall back after killing. Strider - The boss of the Cave. Relatively straight forward. Jump into snow after killing Fish - The boss of the Tomb. Kill it before you drown. Watch out for it trying to eat you, watch out for deadly bubbles, and watch out for poisonous water. Water can be made depoisoned by completing the Tomb stage's optional objective. Zombie Ringleader - The final boss is actually another player (!). Kill the zombie. Strider (Pissed Off!) - The rematch against the strider in the final level. Its attacks are more powerful. Fish (Pissed Off!) - The rematch against the Fish in the final level. Because humans are weakened by the strider fight and because there is no way to depoison the water this time, this fight is really a race against time. Kill it before you drown and de. *Eye of the Devil - Secret Boss - Unlocks a new set of powerful attacks in expert mode, and casts magic faster in black world.

Weapons in the map: Rocket Launcher - Clear the station level. It deals 1k damage if you shoot it just right and has 2 rockets, so that's 2k damage against a boss. Hover Boots - Clear the cave level *Slow Gun - Clear the tomb level **THE FINAL LEVEL (CITY) WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER UNLOCKING THE THREE ABOVE WEAPONS. **YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THE OBJECTIVE FOR YOUR VICTORY TO COUNT TOWARD THE SECRET BOSS REQUIREMENT, THOUGH Soda Shield - A secret weapon in the Train Station level Secret Documents - A secret weapon (?) in the Train Station level Tesla Suit - Found in the Cave as an optional objective. Damages nearby zombies, heals nearby humans, and deals 1k damage to the boss if you make it there alive. Headcrab - Weapon (?), more like an enemy. It's in the Cave level. It latches onto your face and kills you. It can easily be dodged, though, and will only kill 1 or 2 poor humans Active Camoflauge - In the tomb level. Entering this area makes you slightly invisible until the end of the level. It may carry over even if you are a zombie, so watch out. This is useful if you're trying to hide from the zombies in the final part of the Tomb level. Golden Shotgun - A secret weapon found in the HUB World in the Bar at the cave entrance. Push E to shoot/push zombies. Accessing this weapon becomes IMPOSSIBLE after beating the Cave level. You may desire to leave the cave level for last if you want to use this weapon in the other stages. Choices!

Secret weapons: A secret weapon is unlocked by doing one of the 3 levels, on any difficulty EXCEPT white world. You have to complete the optional objective and then clear the stage in the same round. This means that if white world triggers for your level, or if you beat the level without doing the optional objective, you will essentially be "locked out" of that stage's secret weapon (unless you do some voodoo magic and manage to trigger black world before beating the level). The weapons are as follows:

Cyborg Suit - TOMB - Probably the easiest one to unlock, and since the Tomb is very likely the second level humans do this should be an easy one to get. The cyborg suit has 2 functions: Stealth camoflauge that makes you invisible and invincible to zombies for 5 seconds, and a slash wave that pushes zombies away. The functions have no recharge and can only be used once. Soda Healer - CAVE - Probably the hardest and most difficult of the three secret weapons to unlock. It heals the surrounding team to 125 health and gives a small speedboost for 3 seconds. It has a recharge rate of 90 seconds. Soda Shield - STATION - The medium tier one to unlock. Harder than the tomb, but easier than the cave. It's essentially just the Station's secret weapon unlocked in the hub, allowing you to use it outside of the station. It blocks zombies and acts as a push shield. Sustains 10 hits. Devil Ray of Destruction - Push E to kill all zombies directly in front of the caster. This is the hardest weapon to unlock.

4 Changenotes: FEATURES: A new secret weapon 'Devil Eye of Destruction' is now unlockable by defeating the secret boss. This is the ultimate secret weapon which instant kills any zombie near the caster. Once per round, no recharge. Completion of the prologue stage now triggers black world, meaning if humans dont lose a single round, you will be able to trigger the secret boss There is now a 2nd way to trigger the secret boss, which is simply by unlocking all 3 secret weapons. Make sure to do those optional objectives! This potentially means its possible to fight the secret boss twice in a single playthrough. The fish now shoots bubbles of death Added more to the final level, there is now a mini 'boss rush' of sorts before the final escape. Make no mistake, if you don't have Heal or the Tesla Suit, you will probably die. Only the chosen will survive. Simplified geometry and map optimization should be more kind to your FPS. Also fixed most of the annoying nodraw displacements and redid other displacements, although a couple nodraw displacements still exist. *Changed the soundtrack around. No more salsa music. FIXES: There is now an anti-stack system in place in the Tomb and Prologue. If a zombie breaches far enough in your bunker, you fail the mission and everyone in the bunker dies. There is some leeway so even if a zombie gets in your bunker as the doors close, you will be ok as long as you can keep it from getting close to you Fixed the fish god Fixed the final level Fixed the secret boss This is also, conveniently, the hardest version to win probably. Alternative download: http://rapidshare.com/files/4287258215/ze_holmes_escape_pf_v4a.bsp

Мб позже я сделаю выдержу.
@DarkerZ, @Destery, @FuckoFF, @JIRAIYA или еще кто там, вы там вкурите что делать, все активируйте и оружие подберите, а нам скажите просто, куда бежать и где сидеть.
Последнее редактирование:


3 Янв 2016


24 Апр 2015
фикс стрипером от автора карты: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77596770/ze_Holmes_Escape_pf_2014c.cfg

It fixes two issues with the map:
An issue wherein zombies were able to troll into the window during the intro stage getting to the boss arena before the CTs do
An issue wherein the zombie teleporter during the final escape was glitched making it an easy win for CTs. With this glitch fixed there will now be a challenge in the final few seconds of the map
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: FPTyel и JIRAIYA


18 Дек 2014
Parts Unknown
Если кратко, всего шесть уровней.

Первый называется пролог и с ним все понятно. Потом идут три уровня, пещера, могила и станция. Проходятся они в произвольном порядке, плюс каждый имеет несколько путей, это не корридорная система ГП. Как только все три уровня пройдены, открывается последний --- город.

Шестой уровень секретный, его еще нужно активировать (например, собрав все секретное оружие).

В дополнение ко всему, есть еще уровни сложности, помимо экспертного после прохождения города (последнего обязательного уровня), по ходу прохождения сложность подстравиается под игроков.

Да, есть айтемы и есть секретные айтемы. Как я понимаю, они весьма полезны и их надо брать (тот же soda shield и хил).


Главный флудер форума;)
12 Ноя 2015
2.5 часа мучений и карта пройдена


12 Июл 2013
Даж я прошел
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Реакции: DaR0L