Месяц назад бытовало мнение, что на Снэйпа действует Круцио. Пару дней назад, я услышал уверенные утверждения, что и в огне он горит. Я так прикинул, что скоро выяснится, что и Авады он боится.
Так вот, на (мини)боссов, и Снэйпа в том числе не действует ни одна палочка. Возможно, это изменится во второй (финальной) версии ГП. Местоположение совы по прежнему мне не известно. Ответ создателя карты:
UPD Я тут подумал, что и Хагрид не быстрее других крутит колеса, вопреки распространенному мнению (вот это вообще супер поверье). И правда:
Так вот, на (мини)боссов, и Снэйпа в том числе не действует ни одна палочка. Возможно, это изменится во второй (финальной) версии ГП. Местоположение совы по прежнему мне не известно. Ответ создателя карты:
Yorick 13 hours ago:
Harry Potter is the top map on the server I play. There is a belief among the players that Crucio and Incendio do affect Snape (lvl 6). Is this true? Does Crucio make damage to minibosses in general? And for the months we play, still nobody has found the owl :-(
Skullz ☂★
3 hours ago:
@ Yorick: As far as i know its not true, due the fact that these triggers are filtered on 'clients' only, meaning they can only hurt players and the hitbox from the bosses including Snape are physics. But if my new tricks work which im trying for V2, than it might become possible for V2 to damage some specific bosses, like example: the big bosses, the moving bosses, the dementor at stage 12 and snape at stage 6. But this is not sure yet! Also the triggers for the hat and the owl will change so no worries
Вот интересно, как родился этот миф?Harry Potter is the top map on the server I play. There is a belief among the players that Crucio and Incendio do affect Snape (lvl 6). Is this true? Does Crucio make damage to minibosses in general? And for the months we play, still nobody has found the owl :-(
Skullz ☂★
@ Yorick: As far as i know its not true, due the fact that these triggers are filtered on 'clients' only, meaning they can only hurt players and the hitbox from the bosses including Snape are physics. But if my new tricks work which im trying for V2, than it might become possible for V2 to damage some specific bosses, like example: the big bosses, the moving bosses, the dementor at stage 12 and snape at stage 6. But this is not sure yet! Also the triggers for the hat and the owl will change so no worries
UPD Я тут подумал, что и Хагрид не быстрее других крутит колеса, вопреки распространенному мнению (вот это вообще супер поверье). И правда:
Yorick 18 hours ago:
There is also a belief that Hagrid can rotate door wheels much faster than ordinary players. Please don't tell me that this is not true, dozens of people are sure about that. Does Dumbledore have any such powers?
Skullz ☂★ (afk)
16 hours ago:
@Yorick: I dont know who is messing with you or you are just getting trolled but that is not true at all, not for hagrid nor for dumbledor nor for harry, they are just a skin that replaces your current skin, nothing more nothing less
There is also a belief that Hagrid can rotate door wheels much faster than ordinary players. Please don't tell me that this is not true, dozens of people are sure about that. Does Dumbledore have any such powers?
Skullz ☂★ (afk)
@Yorick: I dont know who is messing with you or you are just getting trolled but that is not true at all, not for hagrid nor for dumbledor nor for harry, they are just a skin that replaces your current skin, nothing more nothing less
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